
Navigating the Surge in Peak Electricity Demand: Challenges and Opportunities for North America

Written by Splight | Feb 12, 2024 3:30:00 PM

The North American electricity landscape is transforming remarkably, spurred by a recent Grid Strategies report that has sent ripples through the industry. Projections indicate an astonishing 38 GW of peak demand growth expected by 2028, a revelation demanding our immediate attention and strategic planning. This article will explore the implications of this surge in peak demand, exploring the challenges and opportunities it presents for North America's energy sector and beyond.

The era of stagnant power demand, which has defined the electricity sector for years, is officially a thing of the past. We will dissect the reasons behind this paradigm shift and examine its impact on the energy sector and the broader economy—the surge in demand points to an increasing thirst for electricity, driven by various factors.

The surge in electricity demand is significantly driven by the proliferation of data centers, which have become essential in our digital age. These data giants, critical for powering the internet and cloud services, exhibit an insatiable appetite for energy, exerting a global influence on electricity consumption.

Data centers account for 1% to 2% of the world's annual electricity demand. Some of the largest data centers require over 100 megawatts (MW) of power capacity, with varying demands on device types, cooling systems, and network infrastructure. In smaller countries like Denmark and Ireland, where data center markets are burgeoning, these facilities are emerging as significant sources of electricity demand. Data centers and other energy-intensive users in Ireland could contribute to nearly 30% of the country's electricity demand by 2028. Meanwhile, Denmark anticipates data center electricity consumption to grow from under 1% to 15% by 2030.

In the United States, the demand for data centers, measured by power consumption, is projected to reach 35 gigawatts (GW) by 2030, up from 17 GW in 2022. This significant increase underscores the expanding role of data centers in the nation's energy consumption profile.

The resurgence of manufacturing and industrial facilities in North America, driven by substantial investments since 2021, is poised to impact electricity demand significantly. A report by Deloitte Insights highlights the boost the US manufacturing industry received from key legislative acts passed in 2021 and 2022, including the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). These acts spurred record private sector investments in manufacturing across various sectors, notably semiconductors, clean energy components, electric vehicles, and batteries. As of July 2023, annual construction spending in manufacturing reached US$201 billion, representing a 70% year-over-year increase.

This manufacturing and industrial activity surge substantially contributes to the growing demand for electricity in the United States. According to a report by EUCI, the U.S. electric grid must prepare for the anticipated surge in demand from new manufacturing facilities, data centers, and future electrification of transportation and building heating. Grid Strategies forecasts a significant increase in electricity demand over the next five years, with peak demand growth expected to reach 38 gigawatts (GW) by 2028. Investments in new manufacturing and data centers are the primary drivers behind this surge, with commitments for new industrial facilities exceeding $481 billion since 2021 and data center growth projected to surpass $150 billion.

The Grid Strategies report also underscores concerns about the limited capacity of the nation's electricity systems to meet this surging demand, highlighting the necessity for new generation capacity, effective connection of this generation to the grid, and the seamless integration of new loads into the system.

Certain regions in North America, including the Southeast, MISO (Midcontinent Independent System Operator), and Southwest, are witnessing substantial load growth, representing over $100 billion in new investments and significant growth potential. The U.S. anticipates a notable uptick in electric demand, a stark departure from previous years of minimal load growth.

For instance, in the MISO region, there is a concerted effort to plan new transmission lines to accommodate the influx of renewable energy. MISO, responsible for managing the grid across parts or all 15 states, aims to achieve an 80% annual renewable penetration within two decades. This ambitious goal has prompted MISO to approve the most significant investment in transmission lines in U.S. history, with an estimated cost of $10.3 billion. This investment will facilitate around 53 gigawatts of new wind and solar energy and other renewables, storage, and battery projects, potentially saving customers up to $37.3 billion through improved regional power distribution.

The surge in peak electricity demand presents opportunities and challenges for the U.S. power grid, particularly in transitioning to renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power.

The U.S. has recently witnessed significant investments in its electric transmission system, with prominent electric utilities spending increasing from $9.1 billion in 2000 to $40.0 billion in 2019. This includes investments in new transmission infrastructure and maintenance of existing systems. Out of the $40.0 billion spent in 2019, $23.5 billion was allocated to new transmission investments. Despite a slowdown in spending, there was still a 3% increase from 2018 to 2019.

In response to evolving renewable generation resources and technological advancements, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) proposed revisions to its electric transmission incentive policy in March 2020. Previously, based on project-specific risks and challenges, these incentives would now be tied to anticipated consumer benefits to encourage the development of necessary transmission infrastructure.

Renewable energy now constitutes over 20% of annual electricity production in the United States. Various technologies, including hydropower, geothermal, and concentrating solar power, employ standard synchronous generators, while wind and solar rely on inverters to convert DC to AC power compatible with the grid. Nevertheless, integrating variable renewable energy like wind and solar presents technical challenges due to their dependence on weather conditions. Solutions under development include energy balancing over short timeframes, grid services from inverter-based resources, lithium-ion batteries, and pumped hydro storage.

Integrating new wind and solar projects into the U.S. power grid faces a significant bottleneck: the interconnection queue. This process, involving engineering studies to determine upgrade needs and costs, can take an average of four years from application to grid connection. The growth of renewable energy is expected to extend these wait times and exacerbate grid congestion.

Renewable generators, typically smaller in scale compared to fossil fuel counterparts, often require more interconnection points to achieve the same total capacity. Furthermore, renewable generators' interconnection costs tend to be higher, primarily due to their locations in less-developed rural areas with less established transmission networks. Policy reforms targeting the interconnection queue are essential for more efficient decarbonization of the electricity grid, potentially leading to more completed wind and solar projects, as indicated by a study analyzing the interconnection process and its impacts.

Sustainability in the power grid, especially in the face of rising demand, demands a multifaceted approach encompassing demand response programs, energy storage technologies, and grid modernization initiatives.

Demand response plays a pivotal role in grid operations by engaging consumers in reducing or shifting their electricity usage during peak periods. This can be accomplished through time-based rates or financial incentives. These programs balance supply and demand and lower wholesale electricity costs, reducing retail rates. Engagement methods encompass time-based rates like time-of-use pricing, critical peak pricing, and direct load control programs, where power companies cycle appliances during peak demand in exchange for financial incentives and lower bills.

These programs are esteemed as valuable resources in the electric power industry, with their capabilities and impacts amplified by grid modernization efforts. Advanced metering infrastructure, for example, expands the range of time-based rate programs available, while smart customer systems facilitate consumer behavior changes to curtail peak period consumption.

Energy storage is paramount for a sustainable energy grid. Electrical Energy Storage (EES) systems store electrical energy in various forms for future use. In 2022, the rated power of the U.S. EES reached 31.6 GW. Technologies encompass Pumped Hydroelectric Storage, Compressed Air Energy Storage, Advanced Battery Energy Storage, Flywheel Energy Storage, Thermal Energy Storage, and Hydrogen Energy Storage. These technologies differ in scale, discharge time, and geographical applicability.

Advanced Battery Energy Storage, in particular, has experienced substantial growth, with over 580 operational projects in the U.S. as of 2021. These projects, employing various battery technologies, account for 4.8 GW of rated power and exhibit round-trip efficiencies ranging from 60% to 95%. Energy storage systems can fulfill a range of applications, including energy arbitrage, ancillary services, and support for renewable energy integration. They can swiftly respond to shifts in electricity demand, and storing energy during off-peak hours can yield cost savings and prolong the life of energy infrastructure.

The Grid Modernization Initiative (GMI) initiated by the U.S. Department of Energy seeks to shape the future grid. This grid will prioritize resilience, reliability, flexibility, security, sustainability, and affordability. The initiative focuses on integrating all electricity sources, enhancing grid security, addressing energy storage challenges, accommodating distributed generation, and positioning the U.S. to compete and innovate in the global energy landscape.

The peak electricity demand surge presents challenges and opportunities for North America. It is a compelling call to action for stakeholders across the energy spectrum to unite, innovate, and invest in a resilient and sustainable energy future. By tackling the challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by this surge, we can navigate the peak demand wave and cultivate a brighter energy landscape for North America, ensuring reliable and sustainable power for all.